A Moment to Ponder: A Conversation on Boundaries

I was reading the book Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend at a local coffee ☕shop, when the individual next to me interposed himself into my thoughtful reflections. I love intriguing conversations, so I put the book aside and we began talking 💬 about boundaries in life.

He had a background in chemistry⚗️, so we found ourselves discussing the permeability of cell membranes (boundaries), and how when one item comes in, another must go out in order to maintain balance. My short background in biochemistry helped me know where he was going with this.

This individual had a number of autoimmune disorders, as well as difficulty walking. He digressed into how, especially with chronic illnesses, some friends cease to be ‘real friends’ – but he also talked about the beauty of the situation. He explained that when one friend ceases to be a friend, you now have room for a new friend, and how his new friends who ‘permeated’ into his current life represent much deeper and caring relationships.💕

The same is true for business. Perhaps it’s a lost opportunity or a lost client. Don’t simply focus on the ‘loss’ – instead focus on filling that ‘space’ with a new, more meaningful opportunity or business relationship.

Take a few moments now to ponder, what could you let go of in your personal and/or business life to open the space for a more beautiful relationship or opportunity? Write down at least one item, habit, person or opportunity. Now go make it happen!

Embrace the opportunity to widen your circle, to widen your net, to build a better life.

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